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Petunia's Sponsorship Page

This sweet little girl came to ERU with nine other eskies in 2019. The 10 eskies (FL-10) were from an eviction situation. The owner was a backyard breeder and was being forced out of a home he was renting, and when police were called the dogs were found in the back yard.  From what we heard, the dogs lived outside in stacked metal cages year round.  The dogs in the bottom cages were the filthiest, as everything from cages above them landed on them.    There were no vet records, none of them were altered, none of them were house trained.  They didn't know what a leash was, and all were extremely shy.  Almost half of them were HW positive. And most of them had several intestinal parasites.

Sweet Petunia was adopted to a wonderful couple in PA and they loved her dearly. Sadly the main caretaker passed away, and the remaining caretaker could not care for her. She came back to ERU with multiple health issues which will be addressed by our DVM soon. Please stay tuned for an update on Petunia's health.

Petunia's Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
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Recurring Sponsorship
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