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Donation Information

Donate to ERU Today

Our rescue is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization. We depend on the generosity of fellow rescue and eskie supporters to help us finance medical care and rehabilitation services to take care of all of our dogs. In most cases, the expenses to rescue a dog and provide its veterinary care far outweigh our adoption fees. To continue saving and giving new lives to these beautiful dogs, we need your help! Here's how you can make a difference.

Make a General Donation (EIN 33-1077303)

Eskie Rescuers United American Eskimo Dog Rescue, Inc. is an IRS-approved 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax-deductible. We currently accept donations via check, PayPal, and zeffy. Please see below for additional information.

PayPal (fees charged to ERU)

Paypal verification seal

You may donate using PayPal by clicking the yellow donate button below. Please note that PayPay charges ERU 1.99% + $0.49 per transaction. PayPal will give you the option to cover the fees. Thank you in advance if you do. 


You can mail a check directly to our team:

Eskie Rescuers United American Eskimo Dog Rescue, Inc.
PO Box 32547
Pikesville, MD 21282-9998

If you have any questions about making donations, please contact us at We really appreciate your support!